Eating is an everyday occurance for the general populace, but in some countries and not for everyone. When you watch the TV shows the actors seem to be eating at one time or another. In the olden days, the family meal was important. People ate together and there was always a Sunday dinner. When I was young, everyone came to my grandparents home, which was where I lived, every Saturday. Two of my uncles worked for the Post and finished in time for a large lunch. My grandmother usually made a boiled dinner or some type of pork roast with vegetables. I always sat next to my grandfather so I could give him my corned beef, cabbage, turnips and parsnips. I only liked the carrots and potatoes. Everyone sat at the large dining table and chatted. As a family, the three of us always ate dinner together every evening. The world has changed, now, though.Now people do not even eat at the table and most individuals eat in front of the TV or their tablet. There is a complete lack of communication. Some family members eat alone in their rooms. Even worse is that the meals are not even semi-homemade. They are usually take away or frozen foods that are heated up in the microwave. When I went to the doctor’s the other day for a checkup, she was flabbergasted that I did not eat at restaurants, eat fast food and that I only ate home cooking. In the Good Gus series, the only restaurant in Pecos was Mary’s Cafe’. She did always cook fresh homemade food. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Digitizing for all the books is coming soon!