Everyone knows the importance of having a good night’s sleep. Yet often people ignore that fact thinking a few hours is sufficient. Researchers from the University of Sydney in Australia performed a study on over three hundred eighty thousand middle aged men and women and analyzed the data over an eleven year period. Their findings were quite clear. You may sleep well every night but if you do not follow up with even low physical activity you risk a higher mortality rate. They also discovered that the participants who had no form of exercise had worse health issues and a chance from passing from cardiovascular disease or a stroke. They also concluded that any activity above the World Health Organization’s stance ‘seemed to eliminate most of the negative impact of poor sleep on mortality. ‘ It is abundantly clear that if you do not sleep well and do not exercise at all your life expectancy is extremely short. It really doesn’t take much as far as exercise such as walking around your neighborhood everyday, or walking your pet, or even asking a friend to socialize with a nice walk everyday. If sleeping is difficult, try many of the over the counter products such as melatonin, or sleep aids. Listening to relaxing music may also benefit you as well. Lastly, if your life is full of stress read a good book or watch a comedy to change your thought patterns before you fall asleep. In the Good Gus series good eating and exercise were a part of everyday life so sleeping was not an issue. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website www.goodgusbooks.com along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Digitizing for all the books are available now! Books one and two are now available on the Tractor Supply website. “Misplaced Trust” will be available this month.