There is an old saying,”Laughter is the best medicine.” It is much better than pills. In the states, the answer to almost anything is to take a pill. I was at a doctor’s a few months ago trying to resolve an allergy issue. She gave a list of foods to avoid and then return eating them in two weeks. The list included yogurt and kefir. I told her I had eaten them for years and her response was, “Take a pill.” As I am older and do not take any medications, I did not like her response. As anyone who has read this blog knows, I am a strong believer in nutritional supplements. I also do not believe in junk food. It is important if a person wants to be healthy to try to enjoy life. Obviously exercise and eating right are the two wise answers. However, everyone forgets about laughter. Good jokes are always enjoyable. Plus, now with the internet you can view a variety of comedians both new and from years gone by. My entire family loved the Smothers Brothers. My late husband and I took our daughter to one of their shows when she graduated high school. My daughter and I saw Dickie at a Trader Joe’s. He was very nice to us. Thinking positively and finding comedies and anything that can make us laugh is the best medicine. Even just try smiling if you are having a bad day. It might improve it. In the Good Gus series many of the characters are smiling and even laughing. I felt it was key to helping the reader enjoy the books.The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Digitizing for all the books are available now! Books one and two are now available on the Tractor Supply website. “Misplaced Trust” will be available this month.
Best Medicine