Most individuals believe that the states are the only country that have lawsuits. They are wrong. There are attorneys around the world who participate in suing other people, businesses and governments. It is ‘always all about the money.’ There are legitimate lawsuits and the individuals or families really do deserve compensation and often laws changed to help everyone. Yet, the average small legal matter may be a slip and fall, a fender bender, or even food poisoning. The slip and falls are a nuisance to many individuals, companies, corporations and even Homeowner Associations. In my HOA there is an individual who has sued a few times. People have walked around the center of our complex which is constructed of bricks. Yes bricks do loosen from time to time, but only for this individual. He always asks for a large sum of money and eventually his own attorney is so embarassed that the is forced to reduce the amount. My late husband had an uncle who was a professional at this. He had a business and took care of his family, but whenever he took a train or a bus he always had an accident. He was often good for several thousand dollars or Euros. He has a son who definitely followed in his footsteps. Settling the lawsuits tends to somehow shortchange the victims. There are always extra fees, changes in the rules and in general whatever you might be hoping for an amount is never what you will receive. I did not include any attorneys in the Good Gus series. I thought it much smarter for the young reader. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Digitizing for all the books are available now! “Misplaced Trust” is now available on Amazon in e-book form.