
Both adults, teens and even children no longer seem to understand the meaning of being unplugged.  Everyone everywhere is attached ...

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Always Broke

Do you know anyone who is always broke? I do. As a matter of fact every pawn shop within a ten mile or a little over sixteen kilome...

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Nurse Joyce

Nurse Joyce was introduced into the series in Book 7, "The New Library." In real life Joyce is very busy doing promotions and when ...

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In many ways, repetition is how we learn. In elementary school, not everyone was a good memorizer. Therefore, repetition was the ke...

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Lackadaisical Attitude

Have you noticed that many people in all walks of life have a lackadaisical attitude about almost everything?  It is beyond procras...

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Screen Time

There are so many electronics today that children spend an inordinate amount of screen time playing video games, watching YouTube o...

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How frequently do you see children playing outdoors?  I live in a gated community and only occasionally do I see children riding th...

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