Jerry Lewis

I saw an article yesterday about Jerry Lewis. When I wrote "Misplaced Trust" he is the type of person I had in mind. Everyone alway...

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There are many types of love.Of course every adult automatically thinks of romatic love.  However, parental love is one of the pure...

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Video Games

When I was young no one could have possibly have guessed that adults would be so engrossed in video games.  I find it amazing. It's...

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Spoiled Adult

Many children grow up to become a spoiled adult.  Frequently, the fault lies with the parents.  They allow the child to do whatever...

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I saw an article today about Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.  It was clear that he was the master over her life and in control.  Howev...

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The Dirty Dozen

Many years ago there was a movie entitled "The Dirty Dozen." It was set in WWII and was a good movie.  Today, however, when I think...

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Household Troubles

  Every family has household troubles. There are families that look perfect to the outside world but they are not. They disagree about ...

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True Wisdom

Socrates said that true wisdom only comes when we understand that we do not know everything, (I am paraphrasing)....

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