Brilliant at Marketing

Whether you like him or not or believe the rumors about him, Michael Jackson was very intelligent. He was brilliant at marketing. I...

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Unrequited Love

There are many people in life who travel through with unrequited love.  They meet someone they are sure is the one.  That person ma...

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I saw a Christmas story about annonymous giving. I loved it so much I thought I would repeat it.  This story is set back in the 196...

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Swearing has become a new addition to Facebook videos and even some shows on streaming TV. Why?  I really don't think calling peopl...

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Today a family friend rang me.  I have known him since he gave guitar lessons to my daughter.  I have helped him when his parents h...

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Walk Away

When times are difficult and the arguments are too much it is often better to just walk away. Often it is the best move and sometim...

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Law of Attraction

For years people and groups along with companies made millions stating that the only way to succeed was through the law of attracti...

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Older Workers

Older workers are remaining in the workforce.  Many do not wish to retire but others cannot afford to stop working. The workforce i...

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Disrespect if a form of bullying.  Sadly people do it as children to parents, in the workplace, in public, shops and almost anywher...

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I saw a quote today, "to make a difference in anyone's life all you have to do is care." I loved it. I saw a video about a woman wh...

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