
Many years ago I lived in Florida in a community with a large pond that housed reptiles. Whenever I walked my two Dobermans, there ...

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Recently I have discovered that one of the major health shops in the United States sells foods from China. It is a well known fact ...

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Labor Day

  Labor Day is a holiday in both the United Stats and Canada. It was originally started to celebrate the union laborers. Ev...

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Get a Life

How fequently would you like to tell someone to get a life?  I, of course, am talking about the people who NEVER mind their own bus...

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Many people do not have any type of willpower. This is part of the reason that people overeat as they cannot control their willpowe...

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Cold Blooded

There are many people on the planet who are cold blooded.  Their total lack of empathy and feelings is horrific. For example, I saw...

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One of the most important things in life is maintaining a balance. This not only includes your home life but also your work life.  ...

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When we think of teaching our minds immediately go to school teachers, college and university professors. We may think of special s...

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Why is it that people tend label others? I don't think it is right.  If a person has a weight problem they call them names and give...

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