Root of All Evil

How many times have you heard that money is the root of all evil?  Many religious organizations categorically state this. However, ...

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Why can't people just stop?  There is so much going on and it is beginning to seem never ending. The continual notices about Kate M...

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Do people even have a conscious any more? I really wonder. There is so much crime, so much violence, so much theft it seems impossi...

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Self Sabotage

Many of the videos on YouTube and Facebook from the coaches talk frequently about self sabotage.  Where does it come from?  People ...

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Divorce is a sore subject for anyone who has had to go through it.  Recently a relative told me that he was getting divorced.  It w...

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Country Life

Many families and individuals have moved from the large cities in the hopes of a more peaceful, less expensive country life.  They ...

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Whenever you are dealing with family, friends, neighbors or even in court, you frequently hear accusations without proof. If a neig...

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Perception appears to be everything in this world today. If people suspect, speculate, or perceive something it automatically becom...

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I saw on the "Equalizer" a character complaining that we can no longer disagree with anyone or anything. She was right. Now if your...

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Woe is Me

Many people have a woe is me attitude.  They feel sorry for themselves and they want everyone else to feel sorry for them as well. ...

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