Old Money

I saw an article about old money vs. new money.  It was interesting but fairly accurate. People with new money tend to be flashy.  ...

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The Karens

At first when Facebook began referring to the Karens of the world I had no clue as to what they were talking about.  I have since l...

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What is it about people who have a disagreement and before long they each began to yell at each other?  I have seen it on TV shows,...

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Tall Tale

Have you ever noticed how a small story  suddenly changes as each person modifies it and before long it is a tall tale? With each p...

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How many people do you know that are dependable?  I expect you can count them on one hand. In today's world, it is almost impossibl...

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Whenever you are dealing with family, friends, neighbors or even in court, you frequently hear accusations without proof. If a neig...

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Out of Mercy

I saw a story yesterday in which the narrator discussed an event that he said occured out of mercy. It was during World War II.  An...

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