
How often to you hear people greet one another saying hello or hi?  It is rare not only in person but on the phone.  Sometimes you ...

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When anyone thinks about orders a few thoughts come to mind.  For example, the brass in the military ordering the lower echelon, te...

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The Karens

At first when Facebook began referring to the Karens of the world I had no clue as to what they were talking about.  I have since l...

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No Sense

Why are so many things in life so complicated that they often make no sense? Stop and think about all the political rhetoric. No ma...

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I saw on the "Equalizer" a character complaining that we can no longer disagree with anyone or anything. She was right. Now if your...

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Promotions in the workplace generally are accomplished by professional achievements.  However, there are also the promotions due to...

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