08 Sep Uncategorized Special Needs September 8, 2024 By Mae I just discovered that it recently was special needs and autism awareness week. Many people don't fully understand special needs i...Continue reading
07 Apr Uncategorized Keeping Score April 7, 2024 By Mae Keeping score shoulkd only be in sports, games, cards, checkers, chess or any game requiring a winner. Yet, in life there are peop...Continue reading
28 Mar Uncategorized Pathological Liar March 28, 2024 By Mae What do you think of when you hear the words pathological liar? Does a person come to mind that you may know? The trouble with path...Continue reading
06 Mar Uncategorized Unaffordable March 6, 2024 By Mae Living life has become unaffordable. The inflation has overwhelmed people in the middle and low class levels of income. Just today,...Continue reading
05 Feb 24 Symbols, adults, Amazon, Apple, Boys will be boys, Brazil, California, children, Cowboys, Cowgirls, England, field trip, Ft. Stockton, Ft. Worth, Glenn, Good Gus, Good Gus Characters, IHeart Radio, India, Inspiration, Instagram, Ireland, Italy, Kindle, Kobo, Library, Life Style, London, Misplaced Trust, money, Morgan Mill Mail/UPS, multicultural, observation, old west, Page Foundry, Pecos, Playster, Reading, school, Scribd, Shopify, South America, Texas, Tic Tok, Tierrasanta, Tips about Bullying, tips for parents, Tolino, Uncategorized, UPS Store, Waterstones, weather, www.misplacedtrustbook.com, young reader, YouTube Taylor Swift February 5, 2024 By Mae The attacks on Taylor Swift continue to increase. Why? Has she committed a crime? No. She has produced over five billion dollars...Continue reading
02 Jan Uncategorized Rush to Judge January 2, 2024 By Mae Most people in life rush to judge. It doesn't matter what the reason is they just do. Continuously on Facebook you see videos of ...Continue reading
21 Dec 24 Symbols, adults, Apple, applicants, Boys will be boys, Brazil, California, children, Christmas, Cowboys, Cowgirls, England, field trip, Ft. Stockton, Ft. Worth, Good Gus, Good Gus Characters, India, Inspiration, Ireland, Italy, Katie, Kindle, Kobo, Library, Life Style, London, money, multicultural, observation, old west, Page Foundry, Pecos, Playster, Reading, school, Scribd, South America, Texas, Tierrasanta, tips for parents, Tolino, Uncategorized, UPS Store, Waterstones, weather, young reader Giving December 21, 2023 By Mae I saw a Christmas story about annonymous giving. I loved it so much I thought I would repeat it. This story is set back in the 196...Continue reading
16 Sep adults, Boys will be boys, Brazil, California, children, Cowboys, Cowgirls, England, field trip, Ft. Stockton, Ft. Worth, Good Gus, Good Gus Characters, Inspiration, Ireland, Italy, Kindle, Kobo, Library, Life Style, London, Miss Patty, money, multicultural, observation, old west, Pecos, Reading, school, South America, Texas, Tierrasanta, tips for parents, Uncategorized, UPS Store, Waterstones, weather, young reader Rescue Dogs September 16, 2023 By Mae There are often times that rescue dogs are not from shelters. Miss Patty's niece ended up with a dog who had no home. One day abo...Continue reading
15 Sep Uncategorized I Want September 15, 2023 By Mae My cousin posted on Facebook today a short note entitled "I Want." It was significant because all we ever hear from anyone anywhere...Continue reading
04 Aug adults, Apple, Boys will be boys, Brazil, California, children, Cowboys, Cowgirls, England, field trip, Ft. Stockton, Ft. Worth, Good Gus, Good Gus Characters, India, Inspiration, Ireland, Italy, Kindle, Library, Life Style, London, money, multicultural, observation, old west, Pecos, Reading, school, South America, Texas, Tierrasanta, tips for parents, Uncategorized, UPS Store, Waterstones, weather, young reader Blame Game August 4, 2023 By Mae This is a true story about a mother and daughter and about the blame game. We have a now former client who passed away over one y...Continue reading