
The silent treatment is used by both adults and children. I always thought the primary goal of the person using it was to force the...

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No one can have too many books at least that is my thought. Books are great. They take you to new places without ever leaving a com...

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Do Nothing

There are individuals who sit around and complain and do nothing.  They wish, hope that think things will turn around in their lives an...

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So many things in life are boring.  Many of us have the same schedule everyday which often seems monotonous. The same old routine o...

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It is amazing to me that many people believe they are experts in parenting. Parents who didn't have siblings or babysat believe tha...

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Bad Grammar

Have you noticed that bad grammar has become the norm?  For example, got is used in place of have, gonna rather than going to, done...

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t    Scientists tell us we have sixty-five thousand thoughts every day. It is probably true.  However, if we allow negative thoughts to...

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