Dirty Tricks

No one appreciates dirty tricks yet both young and older people do them to others.  I think it is hurtful.  For example, In "The Go...

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Something Suddenly Came Up

Something suddenly came up is an excuse I have heard on many of the old TV shows such as "Hazel" and "The Brady Bunch."  In "Hazel"...

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Woe is Me

Many people have a woe is me attitude.  They feel sorry for themselves and they want everyone else to feel sorry for them as well. ...

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The Middle Child

The middle child always complains.  They believe they are not important.  They receive the hand me downs, plus feel they do not get...

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There are many people who love to argue about politics.  No matter what country the disagreements exist.  The problem is that it be...

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Football is an extremely popular sport in North America and has spread worldwide.  It is also known as soccer in other parts of the...

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Exact Words

There are individuals who will interpret everything by exact words only. They are the same individuals who always speak in a very p...

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Newspapers existed for many decades.  There are still a few available  in paper form  but now people read the news on the internet....

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  All types of sports are popular around the world.  Over the years, many players have been disqualified for cheating, taking bribes ev...

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