
In many ways, repetition is how we learn. In elementary school, not everyone was a good memorizer. Therefore, repetition was the ke...

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Bus Driver

I saw a story from Annomama on Facebook about a bus driver. A young boy and his  brother took the bus everyday to school. The bus d...

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Life After Hate

Many people have carried prejudices, anger and bad feelings towards ethnicities that do you ever wonder if they will ever have life...

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Finders Keepers

There is an old saying, 'Finders keepers, losers weepers. 'It is not one of my favorites as someone may lose something quite import...

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Fear of Water

There are people who have a fear of water. Often they don't start that way, yet sometimes an event will occur that will change ever...

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Name Calling

Name calling seems to be steadily increasing. People say horrible words to others, slander them and in general are despicable. When...

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There are many men who are extremely possessive of women. They believe they own them. This is also true of females regarding their ...

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Good Reason

When we were young our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles always give us the same line if we were in trouble.  They would say,...

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Think Before You Speak

Think before you speak should be embedded in our brains. Most people start talking without thinking about what they are saying.  No...

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Take Credit

Have you ever noticed how frequently people take credit for something they never did? No matter what phraseology you use it is blat...

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