Growing Industries

Divorce and family law are growing industries. The profits are enormous.  Divorce now drags out with custody evaluators, rumors, ac...

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Blended Family

"The Brady Bunch" was the first blended family on TV.  Another one was "Step by Step." Both shows had parents that were willing to ...

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Do people even have a conscious any more? I really wonder. There is so much crime, so much violence, so much theft it seems impossi...

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I saw an article today about Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.  It was clear that he was the master over her life and in control.  Howev...

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Most individuals believe that the states are the only country that have lawsuits. They are wrong.  There are attorneys around the w...

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One of the original leaders in virtual visits was Skype, followed by Facebook.  Now, due to families moving around the globe, it is...

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If Only

          If only are almost everyone's famous last words right before an event. The thing is it could be any event.  People use those ...

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Do you really people that people are impartial one hundred percent of the time?  I do not.  They may claim they are but deep down u...

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