Divorce and family law are growing industries. The profits are enormous. Divorce now drags out with custody evaluators, rumors, accusations, investigations and incessent fighting. The fees are outrageous. I used to work with two different attornies who moved into family law. Their lives have changed dramatically in a financial way. No matter what a fighting couple says or does it costs money. The worst part is that there are now states who only favor the men. It makes it extremely difficult for women who work hard, are good mothers and try to do their best. Years ago the courts always favored the mothers. However, once the laws were changed the mothers’ lives became not only difficult but quite expensive. I remember reading about a woman in Las Vegas whose husband obtained custody of their two sons. He was a liar, a cheat and a thief. Once he was arrested, her circumtances changed and she was able to have permanent sole custody of her boys. It took over two years and she immediately left the state. I have seen similar cases that I have read about where the mothers were charged with a variety of psychological issues. Once they paid court appointed psychologists and were found not to have these issues nothing changed. They still had to continue to fight to regain custody. I wrote the other day about a man my daughter is helping. He may end up not having custody which will be wrong and unfair. All the while these growing industries continue to make massive profits, drag the situations out and buy bigger homes, large boats, second homes and take very expensive holidays. When people marry today they need to be truly be sure and mindful of whomever they marry. You just never know what the real penalties may be if they make a mistake. How many people do you know that have been an unwilling participant in these growing industries? The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website www.goodgusbooks.com along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Now available audio and videos for the Good Gus series on YouTube! Digitizing for all the books are available now on YouTube! “Misplaced Trust” is now available on Amazon in e-book form. It is also available digitally at www.misplacedtrustbook.com. If you are thinking of a Will or a Living Trust, “Misplaced Trust” will give you the information you need to make an informed decision. Please check me out on IHeart radio. The Good Gus series, books one through four, are now available at the Morgan Mill Mail/UPS. I am now on Instagram and X! Remember your free copy of my budget is available by emailing me at mae@misplacedtrustbook.com.
Growing Industries