Hiding the Truth

I saw an article today about a woman whose mother had passed and she felt it time that she stopped hiding the truth. She posted a v...

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Negative Comments

And so it begins with the politics in the United States. Every day now there are negative comments about the political races.  It d...

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Why do guilty people condemn others? Today in social media the attorney for the megachurch pastor in Southlake, Texas,  is now goin...

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Unfair Arguing

Is there such a thing as unfair arguing? Yes there is. If you follow "Light Over Narcissism" by Nanette, many of her followers will...

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Why does it seem that accoutability no longer exists? Take a look at the international issues.  Countries are attacking other count...

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  Every week when I go to the grocery and other stores and the prices have automatically increased.  I was looking at a qua...

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If Only

          If only are almost everyone's famous last words right before an event. The thing is it could be any event.  People use those ...

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