Iron Horse

The iron horse, now known as trains, have become popular again particularly since Warren Buffett bought stock in that industry and ...

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Brain Food

Quite frequently, on the internet, you will see articles about brain foods that help prevent dementia and Alzheimer's. Pure logic c...

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The Extra Mile

Today I was on the line with a man who went the extra mile to help me activate the payment button on the Good Gus website. He had p...

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Cheating comes easy to a number of people.  I am writing about this because we have a client whose middle name should be cheater.  ...

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Often in life we end up settling for something or someone that was never our first choice.Then we regret it sometimes forever.  Eve...

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Look Forward

It is sad but many people tend to relive their past and look backwards rather than look forward.  The past is gone and unless you a...

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Have you ever noticed that when you ask a person a question, if they do not want to answer you, they completely ignore you and ask ...

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