Unkind Treatment

I saw a video that stuck in my mind about unkind treatment. It was about a family with two sons.  One son was favored much more tha...

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When you think about pirates stories come to mind. However, they are back in the news this time in Somolia. However, the captain of...

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Today in the media news there was an article about a woman accusing a preacher of abuse.  Why is it that the people in autority and...

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Fake it Until You Make it

The old saying fake it until you make is still applicable today.  Many people pretend to be a success when in reality they are brok...

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Years ago people were fired for almost any reason. Today, however, there are so many laws that it makes it almost impossible.  I sa...

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New Year’s Goals

Everyone has been talking about their New Year's goals today.  Many hope for good health, a new job, and always a great deal of mon...

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We all grew up with selfish people.  It may have been our parents, siblings, friends, cousins or even workmates once we obtained a ...

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Friendship Must Be Mutual

Friendship must be mutual otherwise it is not a true friendship. Often we are associated with people, sometimes for years, whom we ...

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Charm is Deceptive

Have you ever noticed how charm is deceptive?  It is not always easy to spot.  For example, a person may be speaking to another per...

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The Right Decision

We all try to make the right decision but frequently we fail. Often we don't think it through.  For example, Wally on "Leave it to ...

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