Fake News

  The internet has now finally recognized the fake news.  They actually give a symbol that describes if the news is real or...

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If the Shoe Fits

How often do you hear if the shoe fits? Do you even know what it means?  It's simple.  Something is true when a person says it to a...

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It’s Not Personal

In many business situations when there is a problem, the person doing the rejecting always says, "It's not personal, it's just busi...

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Fake Compliments

Often in life and particularly in business, people give others fake compliments.  Individuals somehow feel that by complimenting a ...

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Empty Promises

I think we all hate empty promises.  They come from a variety of sources.  It can be from being in a relationship, from parents, co...

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Woe is Me

Many people have a woe is me attitude.  They feel sorry for themselves and they want everyone else to feel sorry for them as well. ...

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Make a Difference

All the politicians running for office, regardless of what country they are in, always state that they will make a difference.  Her...

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It seems more and more that people are not held accountable for their actions. We frequently see this lack of action in politics.  ...

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The Truth

As we travel through life, we often discover that the truth is not what people speak. For several weeks Miss Patty and I have been ...

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