
We were all taught good manners, respect and to not be a cheater. Do you ever wonder why people do steal from others? It usually co...

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Rowdy Behavior

What is happening at musical concerts in America that is causing rowdy behavior by fans?  They are throwing things at the celebriti...

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What has happened to decency in today's world?  Yesterday as I was browsing through Facebook, out of the blue appeared a woman wear...

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Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in the states yet there is little discussion about it in the media or internet.  It appears to be another day...

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Dumbing Down

Why is it lately that the media is dumbing us down with bad grammar?  How often do you see wanna instead of want to?  It is suddenl...

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No Sense

Why are so many things in life so complicated that they often make no sense? Stop and think about all the political rhetoric. No ma...

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Addicted to Drama

Do you believe that the media, not to mention people in general are addicted to drama? Almost every article is about some form of d...

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Whenever you are dealing with family, friends, neighbors or even in court, you frequently hear accusations without proof. If a neig...

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Perception appears to be everything in this world today. If people suspect, speculate, or perceive something it automatically becom...

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Sense of Humor

Is it my imagination or have many people lost their sense of humor?  Many of the shows and movies are quite dramatic.  There are no...

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