Cold Blooded

There are many people on the planet who are cold blooded.  Their total lack of empathy and feelings is horrific. For example, I saw...

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Unkind Treatment

I saw a video that stuck in my mind about unkind treatment. It was about a family with two sons.  One son was favored much more tha...

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Older Workers

Older workers are remaining in the workforce.  Many do not wish to retire but others cannot afford to stop working. The workforce i...

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Mean Videos

As this is the week in the states that everyone should be thankful, why is Facebook showing so many mean videos? It is a week we sh...

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The Karens

At first when Facebook began referring to the Karens of the world I had no clue as to what they were talking about.  I have since l...

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Look Forward

When people first wake up, they think about their day.  Some individuals look forward to it while others do not.  The most importan...

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Words Hurt

Most individuals don't realize how much words hurt.  It's easy to speak out of turn and say horrible things. The worst part is you cann...

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