Most individuals don’t realize how much words hurt. It’s easy to speak out of turn and say horrible things. The worst part is you cannot take them back. You can apologize or ask for forgiveness, but sometimes that is not enough. Often people say terrible things and regret it later. Sometimes they carry the burden for the balance of their lives. How often have you seen on a TV show, a movie, or in real life two people are horrible to each other and then the following day one individual is no longer living. The pain and regret has to be excruciating. If a person uses violence, the body will heal but their feelings will not but rather adjust over time. I saw a Facetime video about a young man who was in love and was bringing home his girlfriend to meet his parents for the first time. The parents were excited because they had never seen their son so happy. The young man was thin and his girlfriend was overweight. His father welcomed her with open arms but the mother was awful. She was drunk and said made several insulting remarks to the girl. She walked out. The young man followed her, apologized for his mother and told her he loved her for whom she was. He told her she made him happy and she was a kind wonderful person. His mother had them return so she could apologize but if they stay together the girl will always be on her guard with his mother. In the Good Gus series there were no hurtful words. Kindness is always the underlying factor in every story. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Digitizing for all the books is coming soon!
Words Hurt