
Have you ever noticed the number of Facebook reels in which people receive a reward for being kind or doing the right thing? Someti...

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Leaving Messes

Why are people so disrespectful of others that they are leaving messes for someone else to clean up? I saw an article about a perso...

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Both adults, teens and even children no longer seem to understand the meaning of being unplugged.  Everyone everywhere is attached ...

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Everyone is a critic. In the movie and food industries the critics often hold the career of individuals within the palm of their ha...

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Never Satisfied

There are people you meet in life who are never satisfied.  It doesn't matter what the circumstances are they always find fault. Th...

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I saw a Christmas story about annonymous giving. I loved it so much I thought I would repeat it.  This story is set back in the 196...

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Many people become lonely during the holiday season.  It is a difficult time if you have financial problems, no family near by, clo...

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Weight Loss

As the holidays approach, weight loss is on many individual's minds.  Everyone wants to look fabulous. There are so many products t...

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Name Calling

Name calling seems to be steadily increasing. People say horrible words to others, slander them and in general are despicable. When...

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Too Much Drama

Sometimes there are people in life that simply have too much drama.  They are the types of individuals who always have a problem an...

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