
I read an article today about a woman who moved to the UK twenty-five years ago and is now moving back to the states. She never fel...

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Unkind Treatment

I saw a video that stuck in my mind about unkind treatment. It was about a family with two sons.  One son was favored much more tha...

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Pick and Choose Your Battles

In life the smartest move you can make is to pick and choose your battles. It is not always easy but it is the best approach. There...

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Why are the celebrities and news people assuming all types of things without first obtaining the facts? The women on 'The View" wer...

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Polite Pretense

How often do you observe and even practise a polite pretense? Frequently, we do it out of habit.  For example, we may meet someone ...

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Have you ever noticed that as time goes by people become less considerate?  It is a daily occurance.  The kindness of the holidays ...

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Mean Videos

As this is the week in the states that everyone should be thankful, why is Facebook showing so many mean videos? It is a week we sh...

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Bus Driver

I saw a story from Annomama on Facebook about a bus driver. A young boy and his  brother took the bus everyday to school. The bus d...

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Think Before You Speak

Think before you speak should be embedded in our brains. Most people start talking without thinking about what they are saying.  No...

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Twist of Fate

Sometimes a twist of fate is exactly what a person needs to learn an important lesson.  This story is about a man in a wheelchair t...

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