
People need to learn how to co-operate in life. It takes little effort but it is always worth it. I often listen to Pocket FM audio...

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Obiesty is a true condition that exists in many parts of the world. In the lands where there is plenty of food, people often overea...

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Getting Even

Why do people feel they have a need to get even?  Trying to hurt others only ends up hurting the person doing the damage.  What was...

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Disgraceful Scam

I saw the newest disgraceful scam on Facebook yesterday. A man recorded himself to make everyone aware of those despicable thieves....

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Whenever a crime is committed or something about an event comes into question, the first item anyone asks is if there is evidence. ...

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If Only

          If only are almost everyone's famous last words right before an event. The thing is it could be any event.  People use those ...

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Sense of Responsibility

  It seems that people no longer have a sense of responsibility.  There are still many kind and wonderful human beings on the planet. H...

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