Too Many Excuses

Being a paralegal can sometimes be difficult. Right now we have a client that just has too many excuses. She wants her documents an...

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Good Outshines Negativity

If you really think about it, good outshines negativity every time.  So many people are negative and do despicable things that no o...

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Many people in life are superficial. I once worked witth a woman who was extremely superficial. She pretended to be nice all the ti...

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Unrequited Love

There are many people in life who travel through with unrequited love.  They meet someone they are sure is the one.  That person ma...

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Years ago the Sunday newspaper was almost a family event.  For some families either during breakfast or after it was time to read t...

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How many people do you know are unfeeling and heartless?  I sadly know a few.  I saw a video yesterday on Facebook about this very ...

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What has happened to decency in today's world?  Yesterday as I was browsing through Facebook, out of the blue appeared a woman wear...

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When we were babies crying was a way of life.  We cried when we were hungry, thirsty, needed our diaper changed and more.  I saw a ...

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What is it about people who have a disagreement and before long they each began to yell at each other?  I have seen it on TV shows,...

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Sense of Humor

Is it my imagination or have many people lost their sense of humor?  Many of the shows and movies are quite dramatic.  There are no...

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