
Have you ever wondered that with all the new technology and now AI that we have become an isolated society?  Stop and think. People...

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Toxic Relationships

One of the topics you often see on the internet and Facebook is toxic relationships.  People start out with a person they believe i...

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Always Broke

Do you know anyone who is always broke? I do. As a matter of fact every pawn shop within a ten mile or a little over sixteen kilome...

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Unfair Arguing

Is there such a thing as unfair arguing? Yes there is. If you follow "Light Over Narcissism" by Nanette, many of her followers will...

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Celebrity Relationships

Wheter we wish to hear about it or not celebrity relationships are in the news and on the net.  Today it was about Angelina Jole vs...

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Manipulation is learned at an early age. I saw a "Full House" episode in which Stephanie was an outstanding baseball pitcher. She w...

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Rep. Cory Mills

Americans should be proud of Rep. Cory Mills. He flew to Israel to rescue stranded Americans. So far, he has rescued thirty-two. Wh...

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Brave Thinking

People are often afraid of life, events, work, family members and of others in general.  Their fears prevent them from doing things...

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In today's world, dating has taken a new turn.  Both men and women are posting their credit scores publicly.  In addition, in an ar...

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We all have an ego but some individuals have one that is astronomical in size.  Very specific personalities are the owners of this ...

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