Fast Food

I just discovered that YouTube has a channel devoted to fast food restaurants. It is shocking what really is in the so called foods...

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There is a new divide between the overwoked and the individuals who barely work at all.  People believe because they work at home t...

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Unfit Restaurants

Today in the news were several unfit restaurants in the greater Dallas Ft. Worth area. What shocked me is that some were chains and...

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Today I heard the story of  Tony Melendez.  It was truly inspiring and he led the way for people with disabilities.  He was born wi...

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Spoiled Adult

Many children grow up to become a spoiled adult.  Frequently, the fault lies with the parents.  They allow the child to do whatever...

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Boycotting is back.  Now, because of the war between Hamas and Israel people are boycotting restaurants, shops, events and more. Ev...

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There are so many people now who feel that they should be accommodated on almost everything in life.  I have seen videos on the int...

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Fake Fish

I saw an article today about restaurants in Atlanta, Georgia and Florida selling fake fish.  In other words, they were claiming and...

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Old Money

I saw an article about old money vs. new money.  It was interesting but fairly accurate. People with new money tend to be flashy.  ...

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The Karens

At first when Facebook began referring to the Karens of the world I had no clue as to what they were talking about.  I have since l...

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