Spoiled Adult

Many children grow up to become a spoiled adult.  Frequently, the fault lies with the parents.  They allow the child to do whatever...

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Too Much Fighting

Lately there is just too much fighting.  Countries are attacking each other, people are hurting others, threats are looming and a g...

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Taking a Walk

Whenever we go to the physicians' they always ask if we exercise.  I always say that taking a walk twice a day is a priority for me...

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How many people do you know are unfeeling and heartless?  I sadly know a few.  I saw a video yesterday on Facebook about this very ...

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Country Life

Many families and individuals have moved from the large cities in the hopes of a more peaceful, less expensive country life.  They ...

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Ethnic Foods

America is comprised of ethnic foods.  It started out quite simply but as people from various countries moved to this country they ...

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There are people in life who are snobs.  They automatically assume they are better than everyone else.  For example, the sales clerks ...

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