Boxing Day

The day after Christmas is a holiday in many countries. In the UK, Canada and Australia Boxing Day is a national holiday. In Irelan...

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We all have imperfections. However, we often don't accept them within ourselves. What makes it more difficult is that family, frien...

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Celebirty Approval

When you look at all the adverts on the intenet many of the products offer celebrity approval.  Why?  We do not need their consent ...

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Many parts of the world are a consumeristic society.  It's all about possessions.  What is sad is that there are so many parts of t...

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Often people who are unhappy with their lives remake themselves.  They change their names, move to a new area, put together a fake ...

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I saw a Christmas story about annonymous giving. I loved it so much I thought I would repeat it.  This story is set back in the 196...

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Double Standard

In many parts of the world and particularly in the United States there is a double standard.  This falls into almost every category...

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Is it my imagination or are a large number of the population do not have any principles? There are videos from time to time on Face...

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Cost of Beauty

I saw a commercial that was brief but discussed the cost of beauty.  Have you ever thought about it?  Of course, when we first thin...

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