Work Ethic

The work ethic for the Gen Z is disappearing. Why? They don't want to work it's that simple. They are not interested in employment,...

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Politics Without Principles

In the modern world today, we have politics without principles.  The system was never perfect, but now it is out of hand. Frequentl...

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Dining Out

Dining out has decreased dramatically. The high cost of food has forced the restaurants to increase prices. Even the fast food chai...

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No one can have too many books at least that is my thought. Books are great. They take you to new places without ever leaving a com...

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A smile is free. Most people love to smile. Even when you are having a difficult day or dealing with someone who is not as pleasant...

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Once again the rumors are flying about Kate Middleton.  Why they cannot leave her alone is beyond me.  I have always hated rumors a...

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People have a tendency to discard not only items but other human beings and even animals.  The old saying, "Out with the old and in...

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Good Hygene

Today I saw an article about celebrities who do not have good hygene. I was surprised. The old saying "Cleanliness is next to Godli...

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New Styles

The changes in fasion with new styles is a seasonal occurance.  Years ago the fashion industry changed dramatically. In the early p...

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