Negative Comments

And so it begins with the politics in the United States. Every day now there are negative comments about the political races.  It d...

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False Memories

False memories first began in the 1980's. A group of preschollers were coached into remembering false memories from Satanic abuse. ...

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There are many people in the world who considered themselves privileged.  Why?  Possibly they have plenty of money, have a huge ego...

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While browsing through the news ttoday on the internet, it seemed to be overflowing with scandals.  Most of it was political, but s...

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Recently I have seen a couple of videos about alleged scammers. For example, on Facebook, a boy about six or seven was selling smal...

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Fake Compliments

Often in life and particularly in business, people give others fake compliments.  Individuals somehow feel that by complimenting a ...

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When you hear the word broken, what are your thoughts?  For many people, they are continually complaining about governments all ove...

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No Sense

Why are so many things in life so complicated that they often make no sense? Stop and think about all the political rhetoric. No ma...

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Idle Conversation

How often do you end up in idle conversation?  A person may be speaking to you but they are not really saying anything.  You begin ...

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It seems everyday in life somewhere individuals are having a misunderstanding.  It could be minor or major. However it starts out, ...

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