Dull and Boring

  Is your daily life dull and boring? Many people say that every day. They also say they are looking for excitement. People...

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Do you have any idea how many people I speak to who have a difficult time with technlogy besides myself? Last week alone I had a te...

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Know it All

How do you feel about people who are know it alls? I can't stand them. They explain everything to you even if you you didn't ask. W...

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Boad Games

When I was young I loved playing board games. When I married we had a board game night. It included pizza and raw vegetables with d...

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How often are you bored? Both children and adults are often bored. I am not quite sure why. Years ago if you were a child you simpl...

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Ready Made Entertainment

Today with all the technology ready made entertainment is at our fingertips. It sounds crazy but it is true. In an old "Leave it to...

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All thrugh life we change on a daily basis. We change physically, emotionally, financially and with our intelligence.  A number of ...

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Many parts of the world are a consumeristic society.  It's all about possessions.  What is sad is that there are so many parts of t...

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The definition of many basic words have changed.  For example, the word done meant an item in the oven was finished cooking. Today ...

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Do people feel so entitled that they can take a selfie anywhere they please even if they damage historical monuments?  Just yesterd...

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