True Friendship

True friendship for many people just doesn't exist. They have aquaintances, but not real friends. When the chips are down that is w...

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Have you ever wondered that with all the new technology and now AI that we have become an isolated society?  Stop and think. People...

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Growing Industries

Divorce and family law are growing industries. The profits are enormous.  Divorce now drags out with custody evaluators, rumors, ac...

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Talk Without Action

What is talk without action?Most of the time it is useless.  Good conversation is one thing, being polite and friendly is also acce...

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Once again the rumors are flying about Kate Middleton.  Why they cannot leave her alone is beyond me.  I have always hated rumors a...

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Many people have illusions about their life.  They do not wish to face their reality so they make up stories, have wishful thinking...

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Too Greedy

Is there anyone in your life that you feel is just too greedy?  Facebook has videos continuously about men primarily who are just t...

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It is very difficult to deal with a betrayal. Often people cannot bear it.  On Facebook there are continual videos about primarily ...

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Both Ways

Whether people realize it or not, everything works both ways good and bad.  People tend to look at most things in life as going the...

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Mean Videos

As this is the week in the states that everyone should be thankful, why is Facebook showing so many mean videos? It is a week we sh...

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