Deceptive Ads

Are you sick and tired of deceptive ads? They just don't seem to end. A product is advertised and you click on it and then it is no...

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No Time

Have you ever noticed that the people who do the least always claim they have no time? Why is that have you ever wondered? We give ...

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Trade Job

People who work trade jobs are considered below the office worker or college graduate. This makes no sense to me. For example, tech...

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Polite Pretense

How often do you observe and even practise a polite pretense? Frequently, we do it out of habit.  For example, we may meet someone ...

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While browsing through the news ttoday on the internet, it seemed to be overflowing with scandals.  Most of it was political, but s...

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Mean Videos

As this is the week in the states that everyone should be thankful, why is Facebook showing so many mean videos? It is a week we sh...

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In life people tend to betray others.  The mistress is a perfect example.  The women brag about living an expensive lifestyle while...

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There are so many people now who feel that they should be accommodated on almost everything in life.  I have seen videos on the int...

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Blood Types

There was an article today on the internet about blood types.  It was truly not as informative as one would think.  They discussed ...

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Wasting Food

  There was an article on the internet today about the wasting of food by groceries.  They showed pictures, too.  Why do th...

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