Blaming Others

Many people refuse to accept responsibility and believe blaming others is always the answer. Sadly it never is.  Of course, blaming...

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Once again the rumors are flying about Kate Middleton.  Why they cannot leave her alone is beyond me.  I have always hated rumors a...

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I saw a Christmas story about annonymous giving. I loved it so much I thought I would repeat it.  This story is set back in the 196...

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Today a family friend rang me.  I have known him since he gave guitar lessons to my daughter.  I have helped him when his parents h...

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Why do people go out of their way to embarrass others?  There are continual videos on Facebook short clips also on YouTube and ofte...

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Unfaithful is not just about couples.  You can be friends and have someone betray you.  For example, I know a woman, Jane, who had ...

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Many people are reaching the point where they are completely burnt-out. It starts with difficult jobs and working too many hours.  ...

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In many ways, repetition is how we learn. In elementary school, not everyone was a good memorizer. Therefore, repetition was the ke...

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Taking Sides

On almost any topic people seem to end up taking sides. This could include anything. For example, a new restaurant may open. The op...

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Taking a Walk

Whenever we go to the physicians' they always ask if we exercise.  I always say that taking a walk twice a day is a priority for me...

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