When plastics were invented in 1856 it had followed the invention of rubber. Of course, after that time, many products were invented for commercial use. Before plastic was truly popular, many products were still sold in glass such as soda, milk, water which was invented in glass bottles in 1767, orange juice, and many other products. When I was young, milk and juice were delivered always in glass jugs. My grandmother used the large orange juice jugs to make cofee to bring to the beach when we went. Plastic eventually permeated the entire grocery selection and soon glass was not always available. I still drink water from a glass bottle. My personal favorite is Pelligrino from Italy. If they do not have it in glass bottles at the grocery, I don’t purchase it. Today there was an article about the amount of increased microplastics that we are all exposed to. Many scientists believe that the over exposure causes cancer, digestive issues, immune dysfunctions and other health complications. If you look at your kitchen shelves or pantry, how many items do you see in plastic? I have organic fruit for my granddaughter, Nutella, organic catsup, organic dijon mustard and a few more items. When you actually look you realize you have more items than you thought. Plastics are part of everyone’s every day life. We are all supposed to recycle, but many individuals don’t. In Singapore, they recycle for the roads for example and therefore, do not have any dumps or waste disposal. They reuse everything for their economy and the environment. A simple way to solve this is to buy reuseable bottles, what do you think? The snow is coming. It is everywhere along with high winds and storms on the western part of the states. There is even snow in Ireland and I’m not talking about only an inch. Now would be a good time to choose an e-book from the Good Gus series for your children and “Misplaced Trust” for you and the adults who are stuck inside with this charming weather. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website www.goodgusbooks.com along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Now available audio and videos for the Good Gus series on YouTube! Digitizing for all the books are available now on YouTube! “Misplaced Trust” is now available on Amazon in e-book form. It is also available digitally at www.misplacedtrustbook.com. If you are thinking of a Will or a Living Trust, “Misplaced Trust” with a five star rating on Amazon will give you the information you need to make an informed decision. The Good Gus series, books one through four, are now available at the Morgan Mill Mail/UPS.