I wrote a story last year about a baby elephant and named it “Toby Saves the Day.” I kept seeing baby elephants on commercials, billboards and various circus ads. An elephant is obviously a unique character in the Good Gus Series. When I wrote the story, I had researched about baby elephants and was surprised at how strong their feelings are as well as their attachments to people, particularly those who are kind to them. “Toby Saves the Day” is a baby elephant who is rescued by Judge Ross and brought to Sheriff Gus to find a home for him. When Judge Ross is riding to Pecos and first sees a baby elephant he can’t believe his eyes. He dismounts his horse and approaches the baby. He can see that the baby is very thirsty and probably hungry. He moved towards the baby slowly. He took his canteen full of water and began trying to feed Toby. At first Toby was scared, but then he realized that the stranger was being kind to him. Toby decided he liked the judge and once Judge Ross mounted his horse the baby started following him. Judge Ross named him Toby and began a slow trot to Pecos. Toby followed him at a distance as Judge Ross encouraged him to come along. Sheriff Gus saw the Judge with his new friend and also was amazed at what he saw. As soon as Judge Ross was in earshot, he asked Gus to find some food for Toby. By the time Toby and Judge Ross arrived there were several children eagerly awaiting his arrival. I had decided to blog about Toby when I saw an article about Raju the elephant in India. It was so said that when he was finally freed from captivity he started to cry. Now he lives with five other females in India in a nice location and is part of a group of elephants named the Heard of Hope. As I watched the videos he looked so happy. What is disheartening is the former owner is suing to take Raju back. If he wins in court I think it will break Raju’s heart.The next time you are perusing the Good Gus Series, think about the future story “Toby Saves the Day.”
Toby Saves the Day
