How can anyone put a price tag on good deeds or kindness? Unfortunately people do though. The American Boy Scouts have a motto which is to do a good day every day. It is a good lesson for young children. There are churches that preach doing a good deed and helping others. However, not everyone attends church. Plus, even though they preach it people don’t seem to follow it. People have become very selfish and one way after being confined with COVID. It is amazing that being kept in a home that you supposedly love, could cause this. It may be that people are accustomed to freedom that they became frustrated and angry and have made it their new goal in life to take it out on everyone. Stop and think if you walk into the grocery or anywhere that has a door, does the person in front of you hold the door or let it slam in your face? I was at the grocery a couple of weeks ago and I stopped to take out a few of the free disinfectant wipes. When I walked to the bin to toss them, a young man working there stopped, smiled at me and said thank you. He said most people throw them on the floor, the sidewalk or the car park. I know it’s true because I have seen it. In America, Lady Bird Johnson had a strong campaign against littering. I think it should be reintroduced today. In many Facebook videos, there are people rewarded for being kind and performing a good deed. For example, positive stories about people returning dropped money or a lost wallet. It is not what the people expected, but the person who received their goods back did put a price tag on the good deed and kindness. In all Good Gus stories, good deeds and kindness was a part of the storyline. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Misplaced Trust” is a book you need to read to better understand the importance of protecting your assets for your heirs. It is available by emailing me at Upon receipt of payment of $3.97 you will immediately receive directions to download your copy. Hard copies are available by emailing me at the address above. It is also available on Kindle.
Price Tag
