Why are there so many ugly articles? The descriptions alone make you leave the article. Many of the social media seem to discuss what they consider to be gross acts, behavior, and disgusting vocabulary. I can’t stand it. I have been telling my daughter about all the ads that follow a news article or something that might be interesting. While we were waiting at the doctor’s, there was an article about an explosion. I started to open it and there was a woman wearing a thong. I showed it to her and she was grossed out. The ads went on with people with worms coming out of their ears, all types of growths, it was awful. Medical information is one thing, but these are just ugly articles with horrific ads. Many of the ugly ads now include leud words that the average person would consider as swears. What makes these companies believe that we want to see this? They should have special sites for the ugly articles and ads and not thrown into your face on Facebook, don’t you agree? Whatever happend to good old fashioned taste and decorum? It seems like it has disapeared. No matter where I go or what I do, I always uses manners and say, please, thank you, sorry, etc. It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? I learned at an early age and have taught my children and granddaughter the same. It doesn’t cost anything to be polite and have manners. How do you feel about those ugly articles? Christmas sales are everywhere. Take your time and buy books for both the children and adults on your list. It is easier. The Good Gus series is an ideal choice for both boys and girls. I have often read in schools and Boys and Girls Clubs. The girls love the stories just as much as the boys. When I read “The Special Gift” when I had a radio show in Las Vegas, a twelve year old girl, who followed me every week, called in and left a message as to how much she loved the book. Don’t forget donations to the Angel trees and sick children in hospitals. It will bring both you and them joy. With a five star rating on Amazon, “Misplaced Trust” is a good choice for the adults. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website www.goodgusbooks.com along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Now available audio and videos for the Good Gus series on YouTube! Digitizing for all the books are available now on YouTube! “Misplaced Trust” is now available on Amazon in e-book form. It is also available digitally at www.misplacedtrustbook.com. If you are thinking of a Will or a Living Trust, “Misplaced Trust” will give you the information you need to make an informed decision. The Good Gus series, books one through four, are now available at the Morgan Mill Mail/UPS.
Ugly Articles