Many years ago people had integrity. Now dishonesty is the name of the game. Everyday I deal with people who do not believe in being fair, telling the truth, and lying as much as humanly possible. Long ago if you were making a deal with someone all you needed was to shake hands. Now you need at least a ten page document, signed, notarized, dated and have witnesses. In the workplace integrity is extremely important. I saw an episode of Castle in which an environmentalist met his demise. He was brilliant and the company he was working for placed him in their competitor’s company. He discovered after only a few months that the competition was destroying the company he was working for had absolutely no integrity. The new company was claiming they were refurbishing batteries. In reality, they were sending them far out to sea and dumping them in the ocean. It is amazing what people do for money. They were not only destroying the ocean, but the fish and the environment. Charming fellows. Just today a man I work with told me about an inheritance his daughter was to receive. It was to be used for her education. The Trustee literally stole from her funds. Once caught he falsified records and tried to pretend he didn’t take any money. Do you ever wonder how crooks think we are all so stupid? He went to an attorney who did have integrity and forced the Trustee to give the money back. The lengths people will go to do this is amazing. In the Good Gus series, it was important that everyone had integrity. All the stories reflect it. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Digitizing for all the books will be ready next week! Please consider adding “The Special Gift” as a new Christmas tradition. Books one and two are now available along with “The Special Gift” on the Tractor Supply website.