The first time I read “Pecos Meets Bad Bart” , introducing Sheriff Gus, was to a first grade class in Palm Springs, California. I was very excited but also very nervous. I hoped that the children would like the book and me. When I arrived at the school, I checked in with the office and then was brought to the bungalow in the rear of the school property. I wore my big white hat, cowgirl shirt, jeans and cowgirl boots. I wore a white hat and a blue shirt because that is what Sheriff Gus wears most of the time.As I walked along the pavement you could hear the click from the heels on my boots. Suddenly, children were peeking out widows and opening classroom doors to watch me and say hello. I knew almost immediately which classroom I was going to as the look-outs were waiting for me. I could hear them say, “She’s coming, she’s coming!” As soon as I arrived at the door, the teacher greeted me and two little girls started hugging me. Right then I knew this was going to be great. I stammered a few times while reading which is ridiculous as I wrote the book and had rehearsed before arriving at the school. The children loved the story and really made the entire experience absolutely wonderful. The children asked several questions about Sheriff Gus, the town of Pecos, if I had written any other books; was Bad Bart real, was Sheriff Gus real, was Pecos an actual town in Texas, did I live in Texas, did I always wear my cowgirl hat, and when could I return. Please check out “Pecos Meets Bad” and learn about the town and Sheriff Gus and the Good Gus Series.