Drinking is very popular. It has never stopped being fashionable but there were periods when it was not in the limelight. In many of the old TV shows the adults are frequently holding a cocktail. The rules were enforced for the underage and mentioned in many of the shows. There are many nationalities known for their drinking. I had whiskey long before I was of age but that was the time. When I was young you were allowed to drink at home. In certain ethnicities wine was always served at dinner and everyone had a glass including children. It was the custom. I personally found it easier as when I was a teenager my friends drank and I refused. Why would I when it was available at home? It was a smart move of parents. They took away the thrill. I never became an alcoholic and just do not care about liquor now. In the shows today, wine is almost always on the dinner tables. I have often wondered if it was a subtle sales ploy to increase sales. Now that marijuana is available it may be possible that former drinkers now enjoy pot. It is used for medical purposes and I understand helps tremendously with cancer and other pain. Since it was unacceptable when I was growing up it is not a product that I have or will utilize. It is a product that produces a tremendous amount of revenue for the governments. Everything in life is choices. We just need to make the right ones for ourselves. Alcohol was invented over one hundred thousand years ago. I did not include any types of substances in my stories. They are books for children and at the rate information is pushed at them on a daily basis and the rush to make them grow up I felt it was not even remotely necessary. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website www.goodgusbooks.com along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Digitizing for all the books are available now! Books one and two are now available on the Tractor Supply website. “Misplaced Trust” will be available this month.