I read an article the other day about an American woman who moved to Paris, France. One of the first things she noticed was that the average person did not wear the same attire as in America. They did not wear jogging pants, track pants or loose fitting gym style clothing. She was also surprised because her lifestyle had changed that she was not rushing to hit the gym at six in the morning to keep in shape. She found that after five years she felt she was in much better shape than she had been before moving. Today while I waiting for an appointment at the doctor’s for a check-up, a pharmaceutical rep walked in. She was a woman dressed in a t-shirt with the name of a product she sells, pink track pants and sneakers. I was shocked. All pharmaceutical reps I have ever seen have worn upscale business attire. As I continued to wait a different pharmaceutical rep arrived. He had on a nicely pressed white shirt, blue jeans and boots that had not been polished in months. What has happened to the business representatives in America? They no longer appear to dress in a business style or fashion. When I first started working as a secretary while attending night college, I wore a suit and polished shoes with a matching purse. Apparently times have changed. Even though I have worked at home for years, I still dress as if I was going out in public. I will admit at home I do wear sneakers for comfort. I do know individuals who never even take off their sleep pants while they are working at home. I guess times have changed. How do you feel about it? How do you dress for work? The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website www.goodgusbooks.com along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Now available audio and videos for the Good Gus series on YouTube! Digitizing for all the books are available now on YouTube! “Misplaced Trust” is now available on Amazon in e-book form. It is also available digitally at www.misplacedtrustbook.com. If you are thinking of a Will or a Living Trust, “Misplaced Trust” will give you the information you need to make an informed decision.