How many people do you know actually have self-discipline? Sure there are people who do the same thing everyday such as go to work, arrive on time, leave on time, limit their lunches and then return home. Besides being boring, it is a routine not self-discipline. So what is it really? Basically it is learning to lead yourself and others. It leads to self control, happiness, fulfilling your goals and dreams. Stop and look around you. How many people do you actually see have self-control? If that was even partially true, Type II Diabetes would probably not exist. The majority of people, and I learned this as a nutritionist, have Type II because of over indulging. They eat too much too and gain too much weight. Have you ever noticed the people who are heavy and lose their weight no longer have Type II diabetes? There are a few things in life that we need self-control such as food, drinking, smoking, vaping and drugs. Having self-discipline takes true focus. I recently read that there are famous Hollywood stars who overcame alcohol and drugs such as John Stamos, Ben Affleck, Drew Barrymore, Billy Joel just to name a few. They stood tall and proud when they overcame their lack of self-control and now have true self-discipline. If you look at the TV shows that have people extremely overweight you wonder how they arrived at that situation. Did they give up on life or was it that they just couldn’t stop eating and their bodies craved more? I am one of those people who make just a little over enough food when cooking. I have never had a weight problem but as a child I continually ate leftovers which were reheated too many times. So, now I am picky and will not eat anything that doesn’t taste good. It is a form of self-control. I also exercise which I do on a consistently daily basis. Do you believe in self-discipline? The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Now available audio and videos for the Good Gus series on YouTube! Digitizing for all the books are available now on YouTube! “Misplaced Trust” is now available on Amazon in e-book form. It is also available digitally at If you are thinking of a Will or a Living Trust, “Misplaced Trust” will give you the information you need to make an informed decision. Please check me out on IHeart radio. The Good Gus series, books one through four, are now available at the Morgan Mill Mail/UPS. I am now on Shopify, Instagram and Tic Tok!