It doesn’t matter what time they are on your TV or your computer, the adverts appear to becoming more disgusting with every passing day. What is wrong with these companies? We do not wish to see people with dandruff, see their scalps or see the white flecks on the floor. Then, of course, there are the denture pictures or worse people with horrible teeth with their mouths open. Seriously, it is all repugnant. I understand that they want people to notice their ads but they could go about it in a different way. The men’s underwear commercials do not reveal anything but why do we need to see their lower areas, not to mention young children watching as well? Of course, let us not leave out the hemorrhoid commercials. All I can say is no thank you. On the internet there are now ads with people sitting on the toilet. Again, nothing that interests the average person. If they are hoping for the shock effect, they have failed. If they desire sales, try again. The whole point of adverts is to make a product appealing, not distasteful. Even on my website there are ads but they are not objectionable. We can no longer escape any types of ads or commercials. They are a form of revenue for many companies. In the Good Gus series, there were adverts but only in the weekly newspaper run by Charlie. The Good Gus Series is available online at Kindle, Nook and Waterstones. Hard copies, personally autographed, are available through our website along with past blogs for your reading enjoyment. Digitizing for all the books will be ready next week! Please consider adding “The Special Gift” as a new Christmas tradition.